All Body Parts Names in English
- Head
- Forehead
- Hair
- Eye
- Eyebrow
- Eyelid
- Eyelash
- Ear
- Eardrum
- Nose
- Nostril
- Cheek
- Jaw
- Chin
- Lips
- Mouth
- Teeth
- Tongue
- Palate
- Throat
- Neck
- Shoulder
Human Body Parts Names with Pictures
- Head
The brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are located in the upper portion of the body.
- Forehead
the level space beneath the hairline and above the eyebrows.
- Hair
The strands that grow on the head and other parts of the body.
- Eye
The organ that helps us see the world.
- Eyebrow
The curved line of hair above the eyes that protects them from sweat.
- Eyelid
The skin that covers and protects the eye.
- Eyelash
The small hairs on the edge of the eyelid that keep dust out of the eyes.
- Ear
The organ that helps us hear sounds.
- Eardrum
A thin membrane inside the ear that vibrates when sound waves hit it.
- Nose
The organ used for breathing and smelling.
- Nostril
The two openings of the nose that allow air to pass through.
- Cheek
beneath the hairline and in the flat space above the eyebrows.
- Jaw
The bone that forms the lower part of the face and holds the teeth.
- Chin
beneath the lips at the lower portion of the face.
- Lips
The soft outer edges of the mouth that help in speaking and eating.
- Mouth
The opening on the face used for eating and speaking.
- Teeth
The hard structures inside the mouth used for chewing food.
- Tongue
The soft muscle inside the mouth that helps in tasting and speaking.
- Palate
The roof of the mouth that separates the mouth from the nose.
- Throat
The passage inside the neck that connects the mouth to the stomach and lungs.
- Neck
The part that connects the head to the body.
- Shoulder
The joint where the arm connects to the upper body.
Body Parts Names in English
- Chest
- Rib cage
- Back
- Spine
- Waist
- Abdomen
- Navel (Belly Button)
- Upper arm
- Forearm
- Elbow
- Wrist
- Hand
- Fingers
- Thumb
- Index finger
- Knuckles
- Fingernails
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Thigh
- Knee
Parts of Human body with their Picturs
- Chest
The front part of the body between the neck and the stomach, protecting the heart and lungs.
- Rib Cage
A set of bones in the chest that protect the heart and lungs.
- Back
The rear part of the body from the neck to the waist.
- Spine
A row of small bones (vertebrae) running down the back, providing support and movement.
- Waist
the slender region of the body that is between the hips and ribs.
- Abdomen
The part of the body between the chest and pelvis, containing the stomach and intestines.
- Navel (Belly Button)
The small scar in the middle of the abdomen, where the umbilical cord was attached at birth.
- Upper Arm
between the elbow and shoulder on the arm.
- Forearm
between the wrist and elbow on the arm.
- Elbow
the joint between the forearm and upper arm.
- Wrist
the joint that joins the forearm and hand.
- Hand
The part of the body with fingers, used for holding and touching.
- Fingers
The five movable parts of the hand used for gripping and touching.
- Thumb
The shortest and thickest finger, used for gripping objects.
- Index Finger
The second finger from the thumb, often used for pointing.
- Knuckles
The joints in the fingers where they bend.
- Fingernails
The hard coverings at the tips of the fingers that protect them.
- Hips
The sides of the lower body that help in movement and balance.
- Buttocks
The fleshy part at the back of the hips, used for sitting.
- Thigh
the region of the leg between the knee and the hip.
- Knee
the leg’s central joint, which permits bending.
all Human Body Parts Name in English
- Kneecap
- Shin
- Ankle
- Heel
- Foot
- Sole
- Toes
- Brain
- Heart
- Lungs
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Stomach
- Intestines (Small & Large)
- Pancreas
- Spleen
- Bladder
- Gallbladder
- Esophagus
- Diaphragm
- Appendix
Names with Pictures of Human body part
- Kneecap
A small bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint.
- Shin
the area between the knee and the ankle in the front of the lower leg.
- Ankle
The joint that connects the foot to the leg, allowing movement.
- Heel
The back part of the foot, helping with balance and walking.
- Foot
Walking and standing are done by the lower leg.
- Sole
the portion of the foot that comes into contact with the floor.
- Toes
The five small parts at the end of the foot that help with balance.
- Brain
The organ inside the head that controls thinking, memory, and body functions.
- Heart
The organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
- Lungs
A pair of organs that help in breathing by taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
- Liver
A large organ that cleans the blood and helps in digestion.
- Kidneys
Urine is produced by two bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the circulation.
- Stomach
The organ that digests food by breaking it down with acids.
- Intestines (Small & Large)
Long tubes in the body that absorb nutrients and remove waste.
- Pancreas
An organ that helps in digestion and controls blood sugar levels.
- Spleen
An organ that helps filter blood and fights infections.
- Bladder
A small sac that stores urine before it leaves the body.
- Gallbladder
A small organ that stores bile, which helps digest fat.
- Diaphragm
A muscle that helps in breathing by moving air in and out of the lungs.
- Appendix
A small tube attached to the large intestine with no clear function.
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