Islamic Vocabulary words in English and Pictures for daily use

Learning Islamic vocabulary words in English can be helpful for everyone, especially those new to the language or curious about Islamic culture as well as Muslims. This article is about to everyday Speaking Islamic words, for example, mosque, prayer mat, Quran, Adhan, Jannah, Taqwa, Madinah, Ablution and halal. Each word comes with a picture to make it easier to understand and remember, helping you use these Islamic words in your daily life.

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Islamic Vocabulary Words in English

  • Quran
  • Iman
  • Tawhid
  • Imam
  • Salah
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
  • Kaaba
  • Ramadan
  • Shahada
  • Masjid
  • Muezzin
  • Adhan
  • Jannah
  • Taqwa
  • Madinah
  • Ablution
  • Du’a
  • Tasbih
  • Madrasa

Islamic Vocabulary words in English and pictures

  • Quran:
    The holy book of Islam is believed to be the literal word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Quran in English
  • Iman:
    Faith or trust in Allah and the essential tenets of the exquisite religion of Islam.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Iman in English
  • Tawhid:
    The oneness of Allah emphasizes that He is the only one worthy of worship.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Tawhid in English
  • Imam:
    A religious leader in Islam is often the one who leads prayers in a mosque.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Imam in English
  • Salah:
    For Muslims, the five daily prayers are a crucial part of their faith.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Salah in English
  • Zakat:
    It is a form of almsgiving and one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Zakat in English
  • Hajj:
    The pilgrimage to Mecca is a religious duty that Muslims are required to perform at least once in their lifetime.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Hajj in English
  • Kaaba:
    The sacred building is at the center of Islam’s most important mosque in Mecca.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Kaaba in English
  • Ramadan:
    The holy month of fasting, where Muslims abstain from food and other physical needs from dawn to sunset.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Ramadan in English
  • Shahada:
    According to the Islamic Declaration of Faith, Muhammad is Allah’s messenger and there is no other god.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Shahada in English
  • Masjid:
    A mosque is a place where Muslims gather for prayer and worship.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Masjid in English
  • Muezzin:
    The person responsible for calling Muslims to prayer from a mosque’s minaret.
    Islamic Vocabulary word | Muezzin in English
  • Adhan:
    The Islamic call to prayer, is recited by the muezzin.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Adhan in English
  • Jannah:
    According to Islamic belief, a paradise is where the righteous can receive eternal bliss and reward.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Jannah in English
  • Taqwa:
    Consciousness and fear of Allah, striving to live by His will.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Taqwa in English
  • Madinah:
    A sacred city in Saudi Arabia that houses the tomb of Prophet Muhammad.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Madinahin English
  • Ablution:
    The ritual washing (wudu) is performed by Muslims before prayer.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Ablution in English
  • Du’a:
    Personal supplication or prayer made by a Muslim to seek help or blessings from Allah.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Du’a in English
  • Tasbih:
    A form of remembrance of Allah, often involving the recitation of specific phrases.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Tasbih in English
  • Madrasa:
    An Islamic religious school where the Quran and Islamic subjects are taught.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Madrasa in English

Islamic Vocabulary words in English

List of Islamic Vocabulary Words in English

  • Kalimah
  • Mufti
  • Tafsir
  • Qibla
  • Prayer rug
  • Take Bath
  • Generosity
  • Sadaqah
  • Dhikr
  • Vigil
  • Beard
  • Patience
  • Preach
  • Rosary
  • Offer Prayer
  • believer
  • Abstain
  • Sin
  • Sinful
  • Have fast

100 Islamic Vocabulary with their pictures

  • Kalimah:
    Expressing belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Kalimah in English
  • Mufti:
    An Islamic jurist with the authority to render decisions about Islamic law and others.
    Islamic Vocabulary word | Mufti in English
  • Tafsir:
    Exegesis or interpretation of the Quran, providing explanations for its verses.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Tafsir in English
  • Qibla:
    The direction Muslims face during prayer is toward the Kaaba in Mecca.
    Qibla in English
  • Prayer rug:
    A small, often decorated mat is used by Muslims to perform their prayers.
    Prayer rug in English
  • Take Bath:
    In Islamic terms, this often refers to ghusl, a full-body ritual purification before prayer or other acts of worship.
    Take Bath in English
  • Sadaqah:
    Voluntary charity is given by Muslims to help others.
    Sadaqah in English
  • Dhikr:
    The practice of remembering Allah through the repeated recitation of phrases or prayers, often involving meditation or reflection.
    Dhikr in English
  • Vigil:
    A period of staying awake for worship or spiritual reflection, particularly during the night.
    Vigil in English
  • Beard:
    For many Muslim men, growing a beard is considered a Sunnah.
    Beard in English
  • Patience:
    In Islam, having saber, or patience, is considered a virtue.
    Patience in English
  • Preach:
    To spread the teachings of Islam, often done by religious leaders to guide others in their faith.
    Preach in English
  • Rosary:
    Often referred to as tasbih beads, used in the recitation of dhikr or praise of Allah.
    Rosary in English
  • Offer Prayer:
    The act of performing salah, the ritual prayer offered five times daily by Muslims.
    Offer Prayer in English
  • Believer:
    In Islam, a mu’min has faith in Allah and follows the principles of the religion.
    Believer in English
  • Abstain:
    To refrain from certain actions, especially during Ramadan.
    Abstainin English
  • Sin:
    An action that goes against the commands of Allah, leading to spiritual consequences.
    Sin in English
  • Sinful:
    A state of being in which a person commits actions that are forbidden by Islamic law and morality.
    Sinfulin English
  • Have fast:
    The practice of fasting during the month of Ramadan, refraining from eating, drinking, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset.
    Have fast in English

Islamic Vocabulary words in English

Islamic related English vocabulary

  • Forgo fast
  • Religion
  • Paradise
  • Noble
  • Sinner
  • Hell
  • Credence
  • Judgment day
  • Prostrate
  • Call out azan
  • Seclusion
  • Alms
  • Sacrifice
  • Miracle
  • Missionary
  • Apostate
  • Funeral
  • Recitation
  • Worship
  • Piety

Basic Islamic vocabulary words and pictures

  • Forgo fast:
    To skip or break a fast, usually due to illness or travel, often requiring compensation through fasting later or giving charity.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Forgo fast in English
  • Religion:
    A complete system of beliefs, practices, and worship in Islam.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Religionin English
  • Paradise:
    Jannah is the eternal place of reward and happiness for those who follow Allah’s guidance in the afterlife.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Paradise in English
  • Noble:
    A person of high moral standing, known for their virtues, kindness.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Noble in English
  • Sinner:
    A person who commits actions that violate Allah’s laws.
    Sinner in English
  • Hell:
    Jahannam is the place of torment and punishment for those who disobey Allah’s commands and reject His mercy.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Hell in English
  • Credence:
    Firm belief in the truth and reliability of Islamic teachings and principles.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Credence in English
  • Judgment day:
    Yawm al-Qiyamah, when all individuals will be resurrected and judged by Allah based on their deeds, determines their fate in the afterlife.
    Islamic Vocabulary word \ judgment day in English
  • Call out azan:
    The public call to prayer, recited by the muezzin, invites Muslims to perform their obligatory prayers.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Call out azan in English
  • Seclusion:
    A period of isolation for spiritual devotion, often done during Ramadan.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Seclusion in English
  • Alms:
    Donations to charity, usually in the form of zakat or sadaqah, are made in order to satisfy Islamic duties and assist the poo.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Alms in English
  • Sacrifice:
    The act of offering something valuable, especially the ritual sacrifice of an animal during Eid al-Adha, symbolizes obedience to Allah.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Sacrifice in English
  • Miracle:
    A divine event beyond ordinary explanation, often performed by prophets to demonstrate Allah’s power.
    Islamic Vocabulary word | Miracle in English
  • Missionary:
    A person dedicated to spreading Islam and teaching others about its beliefs and practices.
    Missionary in English
  • Apostate:
    Someone who leaves Islam after accepting it is a serious matter in Islamic belief and law.
    Apostate in English
  • Funeral:
    The Islamic process of preparing and burying the deceased.
    Funeral in English
  • Recitation:
    The careful and reverent oral reading of the Quran.
    Recitation in English
  • Worship:
    Acts of devotion such as prayer, fasting, and charity.
    Worship in English
  • Piety:
    leading a virtuous and devoted life while remaining aware of Allah’s presence and direction at all times.
    Piety in English

Islamic Vocabulary words in English

50 daily used Islamic Vocabulary Words

  • Salvation
  • Supplication
  • Shroud
  • Funeral Prayer
  • Down Prayer
  • Noon Prayer
  • Evening prayer
  • Dusk Prayer
  • Night Prayer
  • Obligatory Prayer
  • Infidel
  • Equality
  • Generous
  • Humanity
  • Pulpit
  • Repent
  • Accusation
  • Muslim
  • Grave
  • Pilgrim

20 common Islamic vocabulary words and pictures

  • Salvation:
    Deliverance from sin and its consequences is often achieved through faith and Allah’s mercy in Islam.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Salvation in English
  • Supplication:
    A personal prayer or request made to Allah for help or blessings.
    Islamic Vocabulary words |Supplication in English
  • Shroud: |
    A plain cloth is used to wrap the body of the deceased before burial in Islamic funerals.
    Shroud in English
  • Funeral Prayer:
    The Janazah prayer is performed for a deceased Muslim.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Funeral Prayer in English
  • Down Prayer:
    Before dawn, the Fajr prayer is done in the early morning.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Down Prayer in English
  • Noon Prayer:
    Dhuhr, the midday prayer, is typically performed after the sun has passed its zenith.
    Noon Prayer in English
  • Evening Prayer:
    Asr, the late afternoon prayer, performed before sunset.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Evening Prayer in English
  • Dusk Prayer:
    Maghrib is the prayer offered just after sunset.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Dusk Prayer in English
  • Night Prayer:
    Isha, the final prayer of the day, is performed after the sky has completely darkened.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Night Prayer in English
  • Obligatory Prayer:
    Fard prayer is one of the five daily prayers that every adult Muslim is required to perform.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Obligatory Prayer in English
  • Infidel:
    In Islamic terms, a person who rejects belief in Allah.
    Infidel in English
  • Equality:
    The Islamic principle is that all people are equal in worth and value before Allah or social status.
    Equality in English
  • Generous:
    Being willing to give freely and share wealth is highly valued in Islam.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Generous in English
  • Humanity:
    The collective qualities of kindness, empathy, and compassion that Islam encourages toward all people.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Humanity in English
  • Pulpit:
    The raised platform in a mosque from which the Imam delivers sermons during Friday prayers.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Pulpit in English
  • Repent:
    To sincerely seek forgiveness from Allah for sins committed.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Repent in English
  • Accusation:
    A claim or charge against someone, which Islam advises should be made with evidence to avoid slander.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Accusation in English
  • Muslim:
    A follower of Islam who believes in the oneness of Allah and follows the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Muslim in English
  • Grave:
    The burial place of a deceased person, where Islamic rituals are performed for a respectful burial.
    Islamic Vocabulary words | Grave in English
  • Pilgrim:
    A person who undertakes the Hajj, as an act of devotion of one of Islam’s Five Pillars.
    Islamic Vocabulary words| Pilgrim in English

Islamic Vocabulary words in English

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