Normal English vs Advanced English Sentences for Conversation

Learning Advanced English is more recommended than basic English. Also Advanced English is Easier to Speak and learn than Basic English. if you want to Speak Like native Speakers, you have to learn advanced English. it’s a nice day, He is very Tired, she runs fast, this basic English and it’s a splendid day, he is utterly exhausted, she sprints swiftly, this is advanced sentences. we have covered more than 100 sentences. Let’s Explore Normal English vs Advanced English Sentences for conversation…

Simple English vs Advanced English sentences

Normal English  Advanced English 
I am happy. I am elated.
She is smart. She is astute.
This is a big house. This is a palatial residence.
He is very tired. He is utterly exhausted.
The movie was good. The film was exceptional.
She cried loudly. She wept profusely.
He walked slowly. He ambled leisurely.
I don’t like this food. I find this cuisine unpalatable.
The dog is friendly. The canine is affable.
It’s a nice day. It’s a splendid day.
The room is clean. The room is immaculate.
She looked surprised. She appeared astonished.
He is very rich. He is exceedingly wealthy.
The book is interesting. The tome is captivating.
She runs fast. She sprints swiftly.
He is good at math. He is proficient in mathematics.
The weather is hot. The climate is sweltering.
I want to leave now. I desire to depart immediately.
The teacher is nice. The instructor is benevolent.
It’s a pretty dress. It’s an exquisite gown.
Simple English vs Advanced English
Simple English vs Advanced English Sentences

Daily Used Normal English vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal English  Advance English 
The food tastes good. The fare is delectable.
The car is fast. The vehicle is swift.
She is very thin. She is exceedingly slender.
He gave me a lot of money. He donated a substantial sum.
The baby is cute. The infant is adorable.
I am tired of this. I am weary of this.
The house is old. The domicile is antiquated.
He is a good person. He is a virtuous individual.
The noise is loud. The clamor is deafening.
She sang beautifully. She sang melodiously.
The problem is big. The issue is substantial.
The cat is cute. The feline is charming.
I am afraid. I am apprehensive.
The story is boring. The narrative is tedious.
He speaks clearly. He enunciates distinctly.
The movie was funny. The film was humorous.
She is a good dancer. She is an adept dancer.
The lake is deep. The lake is profound.
He is very strong. He is exceedingly robust.
Daily Used Normal English vs Advanced English Sentences
Daily Used Normal English vs Advanced English Sentences

Basic English than Advanced English Sentences

Normal English  Advance English 
The sky is blue. The firmament is azure.
She is very kind. She is exceedingly compassionate.
The plan is bad. The strategy is flawed.
The city is large. The metropolis is vast.
He was very happy. He was jubilant.
The flower is pretty. The blossom is beautiful.
He laughed loudly. He guffawed heartily.
The ice is cold. The ice is frigid.
She talks a lot. She converses incessantly.
The bed is comfortable. The bed is luxurious.
He runs quickly. He dashes swiftly.
She is always late. She is perpetually tardy.
The cake is sweet. The confection is sugary.
He is very brave. He is exceedingly courageous.
The book is new. The volume is pristine.
The sun is bright. The sun is radiant.
The food is spicy. The cuisine is piquant.
She is very honest. She is impeccably honest.
The water is clear. The water is translucent.
He is very funny. He is exceedingly humorous.
Basic English vs Advanced English Sentences
Basic English vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal English Advanced English
The man is tall. The gentleman is statuesque.
The music is loud. The music is thunderous.
She danced gracefully. She danced with elegance.
He drives fast. He drives rapidly.
The movie is long. The film is lengthy.
She is very rich. She is incredibly affluent.
The room is small. The chamber is compact.
The street is busy. The thoroughfare is bustling.
The mountain is high. The peak is towering.
The air is fresh. The air is invigorating.
He speaks well. He articulates proficiently.
The flower smells good. The blossom is fragrant.
The boy is young. The lad is youthful.
The car is new. The automobile is brand-new.
She is very happy. She is overjoyed.
The dessert is tasty. The dessert is scrumptious.
The project is important. The endeavor is significant.
The dog is barking. The canine is howling.
She finished quickly. She concluded expeditiously.
He ate a lot. He consumed copiously.
Basic and up level Speaking
Advanced English Speaking Sentences

Basic English vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal English  Advanced English 
The job is easy. The task is effortless.
She is very friendly. She is exceedingly amiable.
The news is bad. The tidings are unfortunate.
The event was fun. The occasion was enjoyable.
He studies hard. He studies diligently.
The park is beautiful. The park is picturesque.
The bird is colorful. The avian is vibrant.
She smiled happily. She beamed with joy.
The game is exciting. The game is exhilarating.
The coffee is strong. The coffee is robust.
The trip was long. The journey was protracted.
He works hard. He labors assiduously.
The meal was good. The repast was excellent.
The baby is crying. The infant is wailing.
The night is dark. The night is pitch-black.
The dress is pretty. The dress is elegant.
She is very smart. She is exceptionally intelligent.
The dog is small. The dog is diminutive.
The tree is tall. The tree is towering.
He laughed a lot. He laughed heartily.
Simple and next level Speaking
simple English vs Advanced English Sentences

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