100 Kitchen Sentences in English for Everyday use

Learning 100 Kitchen Sentences in English for Everyday Use can help you speak English fluently in your kitchen. These 100 sentences are very easy to understand and perfect for conversation while you are cooking, working, or making something in the kitchen. for example, “Can you pass me the knife?” and “Where is the sugar?” in this article we have covered 100 Kitchen Sentences in English for Everyday use. Let’s Explore…

English Sentences used in Kitchen

  • I need to wash the dishes after dinner.
  • Can you pass me the salt, please?
  • I’ll chop the vegetables for the salad.
  • The oven is preheating for the chicken.
  • Do we have enough milk for breakfast?
  • I’ll set the table for dinner.
  • It’s time to brew some coffee.
  • I’ll check the expiration date on the eggs.
  • Let’s bake cookies for dessert.
  • I’m boiling water for pasta.
  • The fridge is making a strange noise.
  • I’ll grab a cutting board to chop the onions.
  • Don’t forget to take the trash out.
  • We’re out of butter. I’ll add it to the shopping list.
  • Can you help me carry the groceries from the car?
  • I need a new sponge for washing dishes.
  • The soup is simmering on the stove.
  • I’ll wipe down the kitchen counters.
  • Have you seen the can opener?
  • I’ll defrost the chicken for tomorrow.
English Sentences used in Kitchen
English Sentences used in Kitchen

Common Sentences used in Kitchen

  • I’ll put the leftovers in the fridge.
  • The blender is great for making smoothies.
  • We need more paper towels.
  • I’ll marinate the meat for the barbecue.
  • The microwave is beeping.
  • The popcorn is ready.
  • I’ll sweep the kitchen floor.
  • What’s your favourite recipe to cook?
  • Let’s order a takeaway for dinner tonight.
  • I’ll rinse the fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • I need to organise the pantry shelves.
  • The dishwasher is full.
  • I’ll run it after lunch.
  • The recipe calls for olive oil.
  • I’ll grab a pot to boil some rice.
  • Have you seen the canister for flour?
  • I’ll make a grocery list for the week.
  • We’re low on dish soap. I’ll buy more.
  • I’ll clean the oven after it cools down.
  • The recipes needs a pinch of salt.
Common Sentences used in Kitchen
Common Sentences used in Kitchen

100 Kitchen Sentences in English

  • Let’s have a picnic in the garden.
  • I’ll turn off the stove.
  • The water is boiling.
  • I’ll peel the potatoes for mashed potatoes.
  • Do we have enough ice cubes for drinks.
  • I’ll slice the bread for sandwishes.
  • The rubbish bag is full.
  • I’ll replace it.
  • I’ll grate some cheese for the pasta.
  • Let’s have a family dinner tonight.
  • I’ll mix the ingredients for the cake batter.
  • Do you prefer coffee or tea in the morning?
  • The cutting knife needs sharpening.
  • I’ll use the blender to make a smoothie.
  • It’s time to refill the salt and pepper shakers.
  • I’ll fix a quick snack for the kids.
  • We’re out of ketchup. I’ll buy some.
  • I’ll peel the garlic for the stir-fry.
  • The casserole needs a few more minutes in the oven.
  • Let’s order pizza for movies night.
100 Kitchen Sentences in English
100 Kitchen Sentences in English

Everyday use English sentences in kitchen

  • I’ll soak the beans overnight for tomorrow’s dish.
  • Can you pass me a can of soup from the pantry?
  • I’ll set the timer for the cookies in the oven.
  • The kitchen towels need to be washed.
  • I’ll grab a ladle for the soup.
  • The cutting board needs to be sanitised
  • Let’s use the slow cooker for the stew.
  • I’ll pour the cereal into a bowl for breakfast.
  • The dishwasher detergent is running low.
  • I’ll dice the tomatoes for the salsa.
  • Do we have enough eggs for baking?
  • I’ll whisk the eggs for the omelette.
  • I’ll preheat the grill for barbecue night.
  • The fruit bowl needs to be refilled.
  • I’ll arrange the cheese on the platter.
  • I can’t be bothered cooking.
  • I’ll scrub the pots and pans.
  • Do we have enough sliced bread?
  • I’ll use a colander to drain the pasta.
  • The recipe requires fresh herbs.
Everyday use Sentences for Cooking
Everyday use English sentences in kitchen

Daily use Kitchen sentences in English

  • I’ll wipe down the refrigerator shelves.
  • I’ll toast the bread for sandwiches.
  • Let’s use the juicer for fresh orange juice.
  • I’ll set out the condiments on the table.
  • The recipe needs a dash of black pepper.
  • I’ll thaw out the frozen vegetables for dinner.
  • I’ll arrange the cupcakes on the dessert tray.
  • Can you pass me the measuring cups?
  • I’ll peel and chop the carrots for the stew.
  • Let’s try a new recipe for dinner.
  • I’ll fill the water pitcher for the day.
  • The recipe calls melted butter.
  • I’ll clean the coffee maker’s filter.
  • Do you have enough napkins for the party?
  • I’ll mix the salad dressing in a bowl.
  • Let’s use the wok for the stir-fry.
  • Have you seen the wooden spoon?
  • The recipe requires orange slices. I’ll do that.
  • Please cut up the carrot into thin slices.
  • Empty the can of tomatoes into the frying pan.
Daily use cooking Sentences
Daily use Kitchen sentences in English


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