100 Questions and Answers for daily life Conservation

These are 100 questions and answers for daily life conversations in English. Making a lengthy conversation can be confusing for beginners, but these sentences can help you extend your discussions. we Ask many Questions and sometimes we are not able to give answers. therefor I have Brought 100 Questions and Answers. All are given below. Let’s Explore

Daily used Basic Questions and their Answers

Questions Short Answers
How are you? I am good, thank you.
What’s your name? My name is(…).
Do you speak English? No, I’m learning.
Can you help me? Sure.
Where are you from? I am from[city/country]
What do you do? I am an actor.
How old are you? I am [age] years old.
Are you married? No, I am not/ yes I am.
Do you understand? Yes, I understand.
Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have brother.
What day is it today? It’s Monday
What are your hobbies? I like teaching.
Would you like some tea? Yes, please
What time is it? it’s [time]
Do you like to travel? yes, I enjoy exploring new places.
Can I help you with anything? No, I’m good, thanks
What’s your food? I love pizza.
How was your weekend? it was relaxing.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Not yet.
What’s your season? I like Autumn.
Daily used Basic Questions and their Answers 
Daily used Basic Questions and their Answers

English Conversation Questions and Answers

Questions Short Answers
Do you have any pets? Yes, I have a dog/cat/etc
Have you ever been to Paris? No, but I would like to go
Can you speak English? yes, I can.
What’s your favorite book? I like To Kill a Mockingbird /etc.
Do you play any musical instruments? Yes, I play the guitar.
What’s your dream vacation? I’d love to visit the Maldives.
Did you enjoy the concert? yes, I was amazing.
How’s your family doing? They’re doing well thank you.
Do you exercise regularly? Yes, I go to the gym.
What’s your favorite Movie? I like comedies.
How do you relax? I watch TV or read.
Do you like to cook? Yes, I enjoy cooking.
What’s your favorite Animal? I like Dolphins.
Have you tried Sushi? Yes, and I love it.
Are you sick? Yes, I am.
When will the meeting finish? I don’t know.
Would you like to leave a message? Please ask him to call me back.
Did you get my message? Yes, I did.
When will he be back? He’ll be back in 30 minutes.
Can I speak to Alexander, please? I am sorry, He is not here.
Most common English Question and Answer
Most common English Question and Answer

Questions and Answers for Everyday Conversations

Questions Short Answers
Are you busy right now? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is there a bank near here? I’m sorry, I didn’t Know.
How long does it take? It takes an hour.
Have you been waiting long? only a few minutes.
Where do you want to go? I’d like to go to the beach.
Could we have lunch together one day? With pleasures.
Are you free tomorrow? Yes, I am.
What are planning for after work? I’m going shopping with my friends.
What’s your favorite color? I like blue color.
How’s the weather today? It is sunny and warm.
Do you prefer to travel by train or plane? I prefer a plane.
What do you usually do during your trip? I visited a museum.
Have you ever been aboard? Yes, I have.
How many countries have you traveled to? I have traveled to five counties.
How’s the food? It’s delicious.
What’s your favorite restaurant? [Restaurant Name].
Do you need anything? No, I’m good, thanks.
What’s your favorite dessert? Ice cream / Cake / etc.
Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.
How’s your day going? Pretty good, thanks.
What’s your favorite hobby? Painting / Reading / etc.

100 Questions and Answers

Questions          Short Answer 
What’s your favorite board game? Monopoly / Scrabble / etc.
What’s your favorite flower? Rose / Lilly / etc.
Do you have any plans for the summer? Yes, I’m going on vacation.
Can you play any sports? Yes, I can play [sport].
How’s your pet doing? He /She is doing well.
What’s your favorite type of movie? Comedy / Drama / Action / etc.
Do you enjoy shopping? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
What’s your favorite board game? Chess / Scrabble / etc.
How’s your day been so far? It’s been good, thanks.
Do you believe in ghosts? No, I don’t believe in them.
What’s your favorite childhood memory? Playing with friends / Family vacations / etc.
Can you recommend a good movie? Sure, how about [movie title]?
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? My sense of humor / My kindness / etc.
Do you have any plans for the holidays? Yes, I’m visiting family.
How’s your day shaping up? It’s going smoothly.
What’s your favorite social media platform? Facebook / Instagram / etc.
Can you recommend a good restaurant? Sure, try [restaurant name].
What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends? Relaxing at home / etc.
How’s your day treating you? It’s been pretty good.
Do you like to read? Yes, I love reading.

Questions and Answers for Daily Life

Question Short Answer
Do you have a credit card? Yes, I have.
Are you happy? Yes, I am happy.
Is it sunny today? Yes, it is sunny/Not, it is not.
Do you like ice cream? yes, I like ice cream/No, I didn’t.
Are you a student? Yes, I am a student /No, I am not.
Do you live in a big city? Yes, I Live in a big city/No, I don’t.
Have you tried? yes, I am tried/No, I am not.
Is it cold outside? Yes, it is cold outside/No, it is not.
Do you have brother? Yes, I have a brother/No, I didn’t have one.
Do you play sports? Yes, I play a sport/No, I didn’t.
Is your mother a teacher? No, it’s not a teacher
Do you like reading books? Yes, I like/No, I didn’t like.
Are you at home now? No, I am not/yes, I am at home.
Do you have a red car? Yes, I have/No, I don’t have.
Do you have a cat? Yes, I have.
Do you like a sing songs? Yes, I like/No, I don’t like.
What’s your phone number? It’s [phone number].
What do you do for fun? I like to [activity].
Where do you live? I live in [City/Country].
How’s your family? They’re doing well.
How’s the traffic? It’s heavy/light.
Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.
100 Questions and Answers
100 Questions and Answers

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