50 Common Questions & Answers in English for Daily Life

If you want to learn English conversation, we provide 50 common questions & answers in English for daily life in this article. It helps to know the common English sentences that native speakers use to answer questions! These 50 sentences for questions and answers are here to help you with your problems by making the process of asking and responding to questions simple. Further, we use these 50 sentences for questions and answers a lot in our everyday conversations as well as when we meet new people.

Answers to Common English Questions

Question Answer
What is your name? My name is (your name).
How are you? I’m fine.
Where are you from? I’m from (place name).
Where are you staying? I’m staying at (place name).
What is your nationality? I’m Turkish. I’m coming from Istanbul.
What’s your job? I’m a teacher.
Where are you going? I’m going to the hotel.
What do you do? I’m working at the bank.
Where were you born? I was born in Istanbul.
When were you born? I’m born in 1998.
Answers to Common English Questions
Answers to Common English Questions

Basic English Questions & Answers

Question Answer
How old are you? I’m 24 years old.
Where are they from? They are from England.
Does your father have a car? No, he doesn’t.
Is there a restaurant near here? Yes, there is one across the street.
Does he like fish? Yes, he does.
When is your birthday? My birthday is on June 1st.
Who is your favourite singer? My favourite singer is (name).
What is you favourite football team? My favourite football team is (name).
Are you single or married? I am single.
Do you have a boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?
Basic English Questions & Answers
Basic English Questions & Answers

 50 Common Questions & Answers in English

Question Answer
Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two brothers and a sister.
Do you have any siblings? I don’t have any siblings.
Are you single or married? Yes, I’m married.
Do you have any children? I don’t have any children.
What is your wife’s name? My wife’s name is (name).
What is you hobbies? My hobbies is basketball and listening to music.
What do you do in your free time? I go to the theatre in my free time.
Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak English.
What do you like doing? I like to read books.
What kind of books do you read? I read novels.
50 Common Questions & Answers in English
50 Common Questions & Answers in English

Daily use Common Questions & Answers

What kind of food do you like? I like fruits.
What kind of Films do you watch? I like action films.
How do you go to work? I go to work by train.
What time do you get up? I get up about nine fifteen.
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 9:30 am.
What time is it? It’s 10 O’clock.
What time did you get up yesterday? I get up at seven O’clock yesterday.
What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 pm.
How tall are you? I’m one meter seventy centimeter tall.
How much do you weigh? I weigh eighty kilograms.
Daily use Common Questions & Answers
Daily use Common Questions & Answers

Speak Question & Answers in English

Would you like some coffee? Yes, thank you. I’d like some coffee.
Where are you? I was in the office.
Where is the nearest bank? The nearest bank is two minutes away.
Where did you go? I went shopping with my family.
Can you give me  you phone number? No, I don’t give my number to anyone.
Can you give me  you phone number? Yes, of course.
Do you have any email id? Yes, I have email.
What’s your address? I stay at, 7 street.
What is your family name? My family name is Brown.
May I help you? No thanks, I am just looking around.
Speak Question & Answers in English
Speak Question & Answers in English

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