School items Names in English
- Backpack
- Notebook
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Sharpener
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Glue stick
- Scissors (child-safe)
- Water bottle
- Lunchbox
- Pencil case
- Highlighter
- Whiteboard marker
- Chalk
- Blackboard
- Whiteboard
- Textbooks
Pictures and names of School things for kids
- Backpack:
A bag kids use to carry books and supplies to school.
- Notebook:
A book with blank pages for writing or drawing.
- Pencil:
An instrument for writing and drawing, typically composed of lead and wood.
- Eraser:
A little tool for erasing pencil lines from paper.
- Ruler:
A tool for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths.
- Sharpener:
A device used to make pencil tips sharp.
- Crayons:
Colorful sticks used for drawing and coloring.
- Colored Pencils:
colored-lead pencils for imaginative sketching.
- Markers:
Pens with vibrant colors used for writing and coloring.
- Glue Stick:
A solid adhesive used to stick paper and crafts together.
- Scissors (Child-safe):
tiny, secure paper-cutting scissors.
- Water Bottle:
A reusable container for drinking water.
- Lunchbox:
A container for carrying meals to school.
- Pencil Case:
A small bag or box to hold pencils and stationery items.
- Highlighter:
A bright-colored pen used to highlight important text.
- Whiteboard Marker:
A marker used for writing on whiteboards.
- Chalk:
a writing or drawing stick for blackboards.
- Blackboard:
A dark surface where teachers write using chalk.
- Whiteboard:
A white surface where teachers write using markers.
- Textbooks:
Books with lessons and activities for school subjects.

School things Names for kids
- Storybooks
- Homework folder
- Art paper
- Construction paper
- Paintbrush
- Watercolors
- Sketchbook
- Drawing pad
- Geometry set
- Compass
- Protractor
- Calculator
- School uniform
- PE shoes
- PE uniform
- Hat (school-related)
- Desk
- Chair
- Classroom cubby
- School bell
Common School items Names and Pictures
- Storybooks:
Books with fun and interesting stories for kids to read.
- Homework Folder:
a folder for carrying and organizing homework assignments.
- Art Paper:
Special paper for drawing, painting, or making crafts.
- Construction Paper:
Colored paper used for art and craft projects.
- Paintbrush:
A tool with bristles used for painting pictures.
- Watercolors:
Paints that mix with water to create colorful artwork.
- Sketchbook:
A book with blank pages for drawing or sketching ideas.
- Drawing Pad:
A pad of paper used for drawing and coloring.
- Geometry Set:
A set of tools like a ruler and compass for math drawings.
- Compass:
An instrument for drawing flawless arcs or circles.
- Protractor:
A tool for measuring and drawing angles.
- Calculator:
A small device used to solve math problems.
- School Uniform:
A set of clothes that students wear to school.
- PE Shoes:
Comfortable shoes worn for physical education activities.
- PE Uniform:
special attire for school-related sports or physical activity.
- Hat (School-Related):
A hat to protect kids from the sun during school activities.
- Desk:
A small table for students to write and work on.
- Chair:
A seat for pupils to sit on in the classroom.
- Classroom Cubby:
A little shelf or compartment for kids to store their possessions.
- School Bell:
A bell that signals the start and end of school periods.

List of Things in English for kids
- Bulletin board
- Name tags
- Sticky notes
- Binder
- Index cards
- School diary
- Class schedule
- Globe
- Map
- Educational chart
- Flashcards
- Science kit
- Periodic table chart
- Microscope
- Telescope
- Recorder (musical instrument)
- Xylophone (toy version for class)
- Tiffin box
- Library card
- Paperclips
Things Names and Pictures for kids
- Bulletin Board:
A board used to pin important notices, drawings, or school projects.
- Name Tags:
Small labels with a student’s name to help identify them.
- Sticky Notes:
Small pieces of paper with a sticky side, used for quick notes.
- Binder:
A folder with rings to organize and keep papers together.
- Index Cards:
Small cards used for writing notes or studying.
- School Diary:
A notebook for recording homework, reminders, and school events.
- Class Schedule:
A chart that shows the timings of daily classes.
- Globe:
A round model of Earth to learn about countries and oceans.
- Map:
A flat drawing showing the locations of countries, cities, or places.
- Educational Chart:
A poster with pictures or information to help kids learn.
- Flashcards:
Small cards with questions or facts for quick learning or revision.
- Science Kit:
A box with tools and materials for doing science experiments.
- Periodic Table Chart:
A chart of chemical elements used in science lessons.
- Microscope:
A tool used to look at tiny objects or details not visible to the eye.
- Telescope:
A device for looking at stars, planets, and distant objects in space.
- Recorder (Musical Instrument):
A basic wind instrument for music education.
- Xylophone (Toy Version for Class):
A small instrument with colorful keys to make sounds.
- Tiffin Box:
Food is brought to school in a lunchboxl.
- Library Card:
A card that allows students to borrow books from the school library.
- Paperclips:
Small metal clips used to hold papers together.

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